Distinguished Scholar Lecture Exchange

The Distinguished Scholar Lecture Exchange, sponsored by the Southeast Athletic Trainers’ Association, provides athletic trainers with an opportunity to learn about cutting edge research from other health care professionals while attending the NATA annual convention. It also allows members from these groups to benefit from athletic training speakers who represent the profession by giving presentations at their annual meetings.

This session has two components. The first consists of presentations by our exchange lecturers who represent one of the following:

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
The American Medical Society of Sports Medicine (AMSSM)
The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)

The second portion of the session includes the recognition of our annual research award recipients, including the winners of the Doctoral Dissertation Award Presented in Honor of David Perrin, PhD, ATC, the New Investigator Award Presented in Honor of Dr. Freddie & Mrs. Hilda Pang Fu, and the Medal for Distinguished Athletic Training Research award recipient.


We are grateful to SEATA for sponsoring the 2025 Distinguished Scholar Lecture Exchange Program! Their support helps us foster the next generation of researchers and leaders in athletic training. Thank you for your commitment to advancing the profession!