Athletic Training Research Agenda The AT Research AgendaResourcesThank You!The purpose of the AT Research Agenda is to identify research priorities and unify research with clinical practice to improve patient care and advance the profession. Read the Journal of Athletic Training article focused on the AT Research Agenda here: The Prioritized Research Agenda for the Athletic Training Profession: A Report from the Strategic Alliance Research Agenda Task Force The Athletic Training Research Agenda is meant to identify research priorities and unify research with clinical practice. Every member of the AT community has a stake so take action to ensure and improve patient care. Together, we can advance the profession. Research CARES This zoom chat series brings athletic trainers and advocates together and provides a format for open dialogue, discussion and collaboration with the overall goal to improve patient care. Each month will focus on a new topic. The 45 minute event will begin with a brief presentation (5-10min) by a “content lead”. Following the presentation, attendees are placed in breakout rooms for open dialogue and discussion. Breakout rooms include 8-10 participants and are a mix of clinicians, advocates, educators, researchers and students. ATRA Committee members will moderate each room/discussion. This series is meant to be highly fluid, open and interactive discussions. Learn more and register. Infographics What’s your role in engaging the athletic training research agenda? Use the infographics below to learn how you can engage the athletic training research agenda in your practice. Clinicians Educators Researchers Students Clinical Scholars Blog Series The Athletic Training Research Agenda Task Force is highlighting athletic trainers who have been recognized by one of their colleagues as a Clinical Scholar Champion for their efforts in collecting point of care research. This blog series celebrates clinical scholars in order to illustrate how research is being used in clinical practice. May: Mike Hopper, MS, LAT, ATC June: Mike Dolan, MA, ATC, CSCS July: Kim Barber Foss, MS, LAT, ATC August: Bart Peterson, MSS, ATC NATA Chats Athletic Training Research Agenda Task Force members, Lindsey Eberman, PhD, ATC, and Jennifer Earl-Boehm, PhD, ATC, join Kenny Lam, ScD, ATC, and Tim McGuine, PhD, ATC, for a discussion highlighting the importance of collecting data at point of care and researcher-clinician partnerships. View via the link below. NATA Chats: Athletic Training Research Agenda Dissemination Toolkit Looking for ways to share the AT Research Agenda with your network? The athletic training research agenda taskforce created the document below to assist you with disseminating ATRA content at the District and or State membership levels. AT Research Agenda – Dissemination Toolkit The NATA Foundation Board of Directors would like to recognize and thank those that served previously on the AT Research Agenda Task Force. We are grateful for your service and the impact you have made on AT research, while advancing the AT profession. AT Research Agenda Task Force Members: NATA Foundation Representatives: Brian Conway, ATC Jennifer Earl-Boehm, PhD, ATC, FNATA Tracey Covassin, PhD, ATC, FNATA R.T. Floyd, EdD, ATC, CSCS Alison Snyder Valier, PhD, ATC, FNATA Stacy Walker, PhD, ATC, FNATA NATA Representative: Leigh Weiss, DPT, MS, ATC CAATE Representative: Lindsey Eberman, PhD, ATC BOC Representative: Kelvin Phan, MSEd, ATC, PES Mindy Lindquist, BOC Marketing Esther Nolton , PhD, ATC In addition AT Research Agenda Task Force would like to thank those who have served on workgroups to assist with projects/initiatives to further implement the AT Research Agenda: Will Adams Kim Barber Foss Ernest Eugene Rob Huggins Tom Kaminski Shane Murphy Ashley Thrasher Nicole Wilkins NEW ATHLETIC TRAINING RESEARCH AGENDA COMMITTEE APPROVED: The Athletic Training Research Agenda (ATRA) Task Force was originally assembled as a collaborative inter-association task force among the Athletic Training Strategic Alliance Partners. The initial charge of the task force was to identify Athletic Training research priorities, develop connections among Athletic Training researchers and clinicians and to ultimately improve patient care and advance the profession. The task force successfully identified AT research priorities and subsequently published it as the Athletic Training Research Agenda (ATRA) in the Journal of Athletic Training. The NATA Foundation has been given the opportunity to oversee the advancement and advocacy of the ATRA in accordance with the values and mission of the Strategic Alliance Partners. Therefore, the NATA Foundation Board of Directors has approved a new committee, called the “Athletic Training Research Agenda Committee (ATRA Committee)”. The purpose of the committee is to advance and implement the ATRA while maintaining alignment with the missions of each of the strategic partners. Committee Structure and Alignment within the Foundation:Each of the existing NATA Foundation program committees will provide sufficient expertise in the research, education, and clinical practice communities of athletic training. The ATRAC will be comprised of 11 voting committee members, 2 non-voting BOD liaisons and one non-voting staff liaison. The 11 committee members will include 8 total members from the NATA Foundation and one representative from each of the other strategic partners (CAATE, BOC and NATA). The 8 total members from the Foundation will include a chairperson for the ATRAC and one representative from each the following NATA Foundation program committees: Research Committee Free Communications Committee Pronouncements Committee Educational Resources Committee Student Writing Contest Committee Faculty Mentor Program Scholarship Committee About Us Board of Directors Committees Awards DEIA News Education Educational Resources Research to Clinical Practice About the ERC Mentorship Programs Doctoral Mentor Program Faculty Mentor Program Scholarships Scholarship Endowments Scholarship Awardees How to Apply Student Writing Contest Research Athletic Training Research Agenda Research CARES #ATsKnowWhy Social Media Campaign Free Communications Program Free Communications Awards Pronouncements Position Statements Research Grants Research Program Endowments Grant Priorities Masters Student Grant Program Research Grant Awardees Summary & Impact Reports Distinguished Scholar Lecture Exchange The AT Profession AT Education Position Statements AT Strategic Alliance AT Glossary Support Ways To Give Donate Now Automatic Recurring Gifts Gifts of Stocks and Other Marketable Securities Planned Giving Societies AT Loyal Giving Society Special Events and Campaigns Little Caesars Scholarship Sponsorship Research Grant Sponsorship Partner with us Executive Partners